Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ambiance Congo Request Link

Hello friends.
This is the Ambiance Congo Requests link.
If you would like to hear a particular song or something from  an album, artist or group, please COMMENT here. I will be happy to play your songs if I have them.

If you would like to have a past program available for listening again, please COMMENT here.

Comments here will not be published, so if you would like to get in touch for any reason you may include your email and only I will see it.
Thank you!


  1. Hi David,

    Nice show and lovely artwork on that Empire Bakuba LP. I reckon anything would sound terrific if it came in a sleeve like that!

    I presume you'll be playing a bit of Rochereau next time round to mark the first anniversary of his finally leaving the stage. So with that in mind, is there any chance you could play Mavwela from the "En Amour y a Pas de Calcul" LP? I'm pretty sure you haven't played it before, or indeed anything off that LP. If that one's not available, how about Palmares from the "1971,1972,1973 Pitie" CD? If not then I'm sure you'll have plenty of other good stuff.

    I was also going to ask you to play some more from Modogo's Integration CD but you beat me to it by playing a great track off that one on this weeks outing. Thanks.

    There are still a couple of CDs though, that I don't think you've played for a while and I'd quite like to hear some more of; namely "Ferry Beaute" by Ricoco and "Amen" by Cele Le Roi. If you could play something off either of them at some point in the future I'd really appreciate it.

    Now I know I'm going on a bit here but do you have Soki Vangu's "Zizina Bis" LP? Not exactly classic Bella Bella but a solid LP nonetheless and surely worthy of a spin if it's in the vinyl vault.

    Cheers and many thanks.

  2. Dave, Liverpool UKMay 22, 2015 at 5:11 AM

    Hi David,

    Summer's just round the corner, right? Sure doesn't feel like it yet, but to help it along how about playing some perfect summery Congo pop?

    With that in mind, how about spinning "Amanda Duchesse" off Marie Paul's Eboulement CD? Catchy song in an un-Congolese but very Congolese-sort-of-way.

    Also, how about something off Shumaniche Drigo Drigola's "Bidoda Doda" CD? There's some strong melodic stuff on it but I don't think you've ever played it. (If you don't have it, it's one of those Cour de Grands spin-off things with Gloria, Lidjo, Dezai and Azulino) Here it is;

  3. David

    It was good to hear you play The Stukas the other week. Always a favourite band of mine. I've got a request particularly for anyone who happens to be listening in Mongolia which, I imagine, isn't too many. I'm currently working there and your show is (as always) a beacon of sanity in the digital world. Can you play D.V. by the Choc Stars, 1st track on the LP Choc Shock? It's one of their best songs and has been on my "travel round the world" playlist for years.

    Many thanks, Tim Harrison
